MRMCD 2018

MRMCD 2018: Security Theatre

The MRMCDinale are welcoming cinematic connoiceurs of all kinds to hand in their submissions of their favourite kind of
chaotic entertainment. Be it a documentation on IT security, blood curling horror in privacy, breathtaking action on how
to use public data, comedy enactments of IT fails, security theatre, CSI:Cyber, performative exploits – we'd love to be
your adoring audience.

We are looking for talks and workshops taking an in-depth lokk at our core topics surrounding IT security – both on a
technical and a social level. The last years have handed us many popcorn worthy talking points, and we're looking
forward to your award-winning interpretations.
You can submit your talks or workshops here until July 30th.

The MRMCD are an annual IT conference of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC). It is organized by the MRMCD e.V. in cooperation
with local hackerspaces, CCC groups, and nearby universities. The conference takes place on the first weekend of
September, as per usual, on September 7th – September 9th. This year's conference location is the Piloty building of TU Darmstadt.

If you're interested in submitting a talk, but you aren't quite sure about the suitability or wording - please reach out
to us at If you're a first-time speaker, we're happy to help you, too. If you have ideas for
great talks or speakers, we'd be excited to hear those.