MRMCD 2019


Hi, I'm Sebastian, but my friends call me "blinry"! After doing research in the field of computational geometry for a few years, I'm now working as a freelance programmer and designer. I value autonomy, creativity and curiosity, and I try to keep an open mind and heart.

When I'm not hacking around on a keyboard, you might find me juggling, cooking, traveling, or geeking out about space. Also, I'm currently meditating a lot! I'm enthusiastic about many things, including interactive art, clever user interfaces, and game design! I love web technologies, command line tools, and minimalism, and I always enjoy using weird and unexpected techniques to do art.


Meine Zeit im Recurse Center

Das Recurse Center ist laut Selbstbeschreibung "a self-directed, community-driven educational retreat for programmers in New York City". Ich habe dort im Frühjahr drei Monate verbracht, und möchte euch von meinen Erfahrungen erzählen.
