Pythonista, Djangonaut, @shackspace
- Automatisierte Pflanzenzucht und maschinelles Lernen
- The Facebook of financial transactions - User tracking on the bitcoin blockchain
- A Primer to Machine Learning
- Data Analysis with Python

Auf meinem Abschluss wird stehen "M.Sc. Elektrotechnik", doch im Herzen bin ich Informatiker. Neben dem Studium habe ich als Linux Kernel-Driver-Entwickler gearbeitet, und möchte das nach dem Master auch weiterhin tun. Zur Zeit schreibe ich meine Masterarbeit am CERN zu Vektorisierung/Parallelisierung von Physik-C++-Code.
- Analysing colliding particles with 256 Threads - Performance of an embarrassingly parallel problem on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing

Vor vielen vielen Jahren ins web gefallen und seither nicht mehr 'raus gekommen. Programmiert gerne, einiges davon in JavaScript, Ruby oder PHP. Freiberuflicher Programmierer im Web- und Medienumfeld.
Hardware und Holz sind auch toll, aber das tut hier nichts zur Sache.
- Datenvisualisierung mit D3 für Einsteiger
- Leaking and Modifying Fitbit Data
Daniel Gultsch ist Mitglied der XMPP Standards Foundation, Entwicker des Android XMPP-Clients Conversations und Verfechter von dezentraler, Anbieterunabhängiger Kommunikation.
- Jabber/XMPP: Instant Messaging selber in die Hand nehmen
- PowerPoint-Karaoke
Technik kann auch mal zu was gut sein.
- Dein geographischer Fingerabdruck
Student, .NET developer and IT security enthusiast.
Soon-to-be #cloudnativenerd.
On a completely unrelated note, I love climbing and skiing. Sometimes I'm funny.
// Twitter: @codefoundryDE // Blog: //
- (Un)professionelle Unkrautvernichtung: Ransomware vs. Antivirus
- CCC Regiotreffen
- PowerPoint-Karaoke
- PowerPoint-Karaoke
- Leaking and Modifying Fitbit Data

- Creating a routable bicycle map for garmin devices with OpenStreetMap data
- Das Universum in 100TB
sense making, community organizing
- Wir werden alle störben!1!! - Quid facis, CERT-Bund?
- Entwicklungen im Bereich Datenschutz mit Blick auf die DS-GVO - Technische Perspektive
We are the Wizards of Dos CTF team from the Darmstädter Hackerspace.
- Pwning for Beginners
Konark works as a Software Engineer with Cliqz- a novel search engine embedded in browser that focuses on privacy. With more than 3M users, Cliqz ensures user privacy and data security.
Helping Cliqz in making privacy a mainstream topic, Konark works on projects ranging across Privacy by design, Anonymous Data collection like Human Web, Human-web proxy network, Anti-Tracking etc.
Prior to Cliqz, Konark was working with one of the largest e-commerce website in India( in data platform and security team, solving interesting challenges related to data warehousing, business intelligence and data security.
As an active member of the community, he loves contributing and getting involved at various fronts in whatever way he can - be it through organising conferences for like-minded people or just disrupting social causes through technology.
His recent personal projects, in an endeavour to find and help organizations fix vulnerabilities have spanned across web browsers, health trackers, Government services, travel mobile apps to name a few.
Konark has been a speaker and presenter at numerous international conferences like Apache Big Data, Berlin BuzzWords, EuroPython to name a few.
- Privacy by Design : Collecting data in a socially responsible manner without privacy side effects.
- Freifunk-Regiotreffen
- Secure Battleship - Schiffe versenken mit viel Kryptografie
- Web-Privacy: Lustwandeln im Trackergarten
- Der Mann, der die CIA erfand

Dinge mit JS, Zügen und so.
- JavaScript - The good. The bad. The ugly.
- Badasses in Computer Science - and why we need to talk about them.
member of the hackspace siegen. big fan of the engelsystem
- G20 und GG §20 Widerstandsrecht
- Cryptopartying für Cryptopartymacher (und solche, die es noch werden wollen)
Leader of the Algorithm Accountability Lab at the TU Kaiserslautern and co-founder of Algorithm Watch. Studied biochemistry, computer science, and a bit of statistical physics. She designed the unique field of study called "Socioinformatics" which models and analyses the impact of IT systems on individuals, organizations, and society to create better socio-technical systems at the TU Kaiserslautern. She is author of the book "Network analysis literacy" and was awarded with multiple prizes, among them the "ars legendi" teaching prize in 2017; she is a junior fellow of the Gesellschaft für Informatik and one of Germans "Digitale Köpfe" 2014.
- Datenspende Bundestagswahl 2017 - First Results on a Mass-Experiment to analyze Google's Personalization
- kleineAnfragen, sehrgutachten und wie wir Bundesdaten anschaulich machen
- A low-level view at the Lattice iCE40 HX1K/HX8K FPGA
Verrückter Wissenschaftler, wahnsinniger Hacker, vergleichsweise unerschrockener Mountainbiker, nebenbei Informatikstudent und Kenner von rauchfreiem Whisky.
- Ernte und Zubereitung von Wettersatellitenfrüchten
- Attacking the Kernel with Non-control Data Attacks
- CCC Regiotreffen
Sven Nobis works as a Security Analyst at ERNW performing application and infrastructure assessments. He is mainly focusing on web application security but is also interested in mobile security. Besides IT security, he is a passionate developer and trying to link his experiences to the everyday work.
- Case Study of Mobile Billing Fraud in the Wild
Eskalation / CYB(E/A)R / CyberMorningshow
- CyberMorningshow
Tobias is a German Free Software advocate, former member of the GNOME Foundation's Board of Directors, and Pythonista. He acquired a Masters degree in Security and Forensic computing from Dublin, is now working in the area of applied cryptography, and loves to build and break stuff. Especially making security systems usable and bringing them to the masses.
- Secure Battleship - Schiffe versenken mit viel Kryptografie
- Attacking the Kernel with Non-control Data Attacks

- Closing
- Opening
- Nix(OS): Package-management done right